Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies work on an emotional level supporting us to balance current emotional situation, which we often may find difficult to deal with on daily basis such as: anxiety, fear, worry, uncertainty, oversensitivity, sadness, grief, anger, self-pity, lack of confidence and resentment.

Bach Remedies work by helping us to feel more emotionally at ease, more true to ourselves and healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels.

This system of plant and flower-based essences was developed in the 1930’s by Dr Edward Bach, a well-known bacteriologist, physician, pathologist and homeopath who was convinced that emotional wellbeing was the key to good health. Dr Bach devoted his life to exploring the use of flowers and plants, and eventually went on to establish The Bach Centre in Oxfordshire, England, where he developed the natural flower essences as we know them today.

There are 38 individual flower remedies with each remedy associated with basic human emotions. Dr Bach divided these 38 essences into 7 groups where each of which covers aspects of emotions and feelings that a particular remedy seeks to bring back into balance.

The 7 groups and feelings they are related to are:

  1. Fear
  2. Uncertainty & indecision
  3. Over-sensitivity to outside influences
  4. Loneliness
  5. Over-care for the welfare of others
  6. Lack of interest in present circumstances
  7. Despondency & despair

These 38 individual flower remedies, widely available in the health shops, are the essences of living plants, most are made from flowers and some from trees. These essences are captured by the heat of the sun or by boiling, preserved with brandy and then diluted to provide treatment bottles from which mixes are made.

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    Personalised Remedy

    Bach Remedies can be mixed to match the person’s individual emotional state creating the unique combination to support person emotionally and to suit the present mood and person’s needs.

    Up to 7 Bach remedies can be chosen to create the personal remedy; you can do it by either ordering the remedies separately and mixing in your own bottle or you can ask the practitioner to prepare a personalised bottle for you with remedies that are relevant to your current situation and based on the consultation.

    Rescue Remedy is a ready mixed, unique combination of 5 flower essences: Rock Rose, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum and Impatiens.

    It is used in emergency when a person is experiencing a sudden, difficult time, feels shocked or upset, and it is irreplaceable for support in times of emotional need: Dr Bach called it “the crisis mix”.

    Bach Remedies have been used with great success by many complementary health practitioners around the world and are perfectly safe to take and can be taken by children, the elderly and during pregnancy and lactation.

    Contraindications: due to very small quantities of brandy used as a preservative, for those on certain medications for alcoholism and for those who are recovering from alcoholism, the standard Bach Remedies are not suitable to be taken; however, there are alcohol-free remedies that are available -this is at additional cost.